The Today Man

Flirty and Fun: Texts That Will Make Him Want You Right Now


In the world of modern dating, texting has become a primary mode of communication. It’s quick, convenient, and allows for a level of flirtation that can be both exciting and effective. If you’re looking to spark interest and make him want you, sending the right texts can be a game-changer. This article will explore flirty and fun texts that can elevate your interactions, create a deeper connection, and ultimately make him crave your attention.Whether you’re just starting to date or have been together for a while, the right words can reignite the spark. We’ll delve into various types of texts, including playful banter, compliments, and subtle hints that can make him think of you long after the conversation ends. Additionally, we’ll provide a table of example texts, answer some frequently asked questions, and conclude with tips on how to maintain that interest over time.

The Power of Texting in Modern Relationships

Texting allows for a unique form of communication that can be both intimate and playful. Here are some reasons why texting is essential in building attraction:

  1. Instant Gratification: Texting provides immediate responses, allowing for a quick exchange of thoughts and feelings.
  2. Casual Interaction: It removes the pressure of face-to-face conversations, making it easier to express feelings.
  3. Flirtation: The playful nature of texting can create a fun atmosphere, encouraging flirtation and teasing.
  4. Building Anticipation: Texts can create a sense of longing and excitement, especially when they are playful and suggestive.
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Types of Flirty Texts

To effectively make him want you, consider using a variety of text types. Here are some categories to explore:

1. Playful Teasing

Playful teasing can create a fun dynamic and build attraction. Here are some examples:

Text ExamplePurpose
“I bet you can’t guess what I’m wearing right now. 😉Creates intrigue and invites playful banter.
“Are you always this charming, or is it just when you’re texting me?”Compliments while keeping it lighthearted.
“I was just thinking about how you owe me a coffee date. When are you making it happen?”Playfully reminds him of your interest.

2. Compliments

Compliments are a great way to make him feel special and appreciated. Here are some suggestions:

Text ExamplePurpose
“You always know how to make me smile. It’s one of my favorite things about you!”Acknowledges his positive impact on you.
“I can’t stop thinking about that smile of yours. It’s contagious!”Compliments his appearance and creates warmth.
“You have such a great sense of humor. I love how you always make me laugh!”Shows appreciation for his personality.

3. Suggestive Texts

Suggestive texts can create excitement and anticipation. Here are some examples:

Text ExamplePurpose
“I had a dream about you last night… Let’s just say it was pretty steamy. 😏Implies intimacy and piques his curiosity.
“I can’t wait to see you again. I have a surprise planned that you’re going to love!”Builds anticipation for your next meeting.
“What are you doing tonight? I could use some company… just saying! 😘Invites him to spend time together in a flirty way.
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4. Flirty Questions

Asking flirty questions can keep the conversation engaging and fun. Here are some examples:

Text ExamplePurpose
“If you could take me anywhere right now, where would we go?”Encourages him to think about a romantic scenario.
“What’s your idea of a perfect date? I might just have to make it happen!”Invites him to share his thoughts while hinting at future plans.
“If I were to cook you dinner, what would you want me to make?”Suggests intimacy and interest in his preferences.

5. Inside Jokes

Inside jokes create a sense of intimacy and connection. Here are some examples:

Text ExamplePurpose
“Remember that time we got lost? I still think you owe me ice cream for that! 🍦Reminds him of a fun memory you share.
“I just saw something that reminded me of our last conversation. You’re so ridiculous! 😂Reinforces your bond through shared humor.
“I can’t believe you thought that movie was good. We need to have a serious talk about your taste! 😜Playfully challenges him while keeping it light.
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Texting Etiquette: Do’s and Don’ts

While sending flirty texts can be fun, it’s essential to follow some basic texting etiquette to ensure your messages are well-received. Here are some do’s and don’ts:


  • Be Authentic: Use your natural voice and style. Authenticity is attractive.
  • Keep It Light: Flirting should be fun; avoid heavy or serious topics.
  • Be Responsive: If he engages with your texts, keep the conversation going.
  • Use Emojis: Emojis can add a playful tone to your messages and convey emotions effectively.


  • Don’t Overdo It: Avoid bombarding him with texts. Give him space to respond.
  • Don’t Play Games: Be straightforward about your feelings; avoid mixed signals.
  • Don’t Be Negative: Stay positive and avoid complaining or bringing up negative topics.
  • Don’t Rush: Allow the relationship to develop naturally; don’t pressure him for immediate responses.


Flirty texts can be a powerful tool in making him want you. By incorporating playful teasing, genuine compliments, suggestive messages, and engaging questions, you can create an exciting atmosphere that keeps him intrigued. Remember to be authentic, lighthearted, and responsive in your communication.As you explore the world of texting, keep in mind that the goal is to build a connection that leads to deeper feelings. With the right approach, your texts can pave the way for a meaningful relationship filled with fun and excitement.

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