The Today Man

How To Master Dating

The Intro: How to master dating

You’ve got a DATE! Friday night is approaching, and you’re looking forward to seeing your date for the first time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a blind date or if you’ve met previously; the fact that it’s your first date is all that matters. It’s vital to make a great first impression since it might affect the fate of your date at the end of the night!

For a while, you’re on your own. You looked for someone in your friends’ circles. You attended a number of parties. You went to a Speed Dating event. You signed up for many dating sites on the internet. And, at long last, You’ve got a DATE! Friday night is approaching, and you’re looking forward to seeing your date for the first time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a blind date or if you’ve met previously; the fact that it’s your first date is all that matters. It’s vital to make a great first impression since it might affect the fate of your date at the end of the night!

how to master dating

Getting dressed for success

It’s not a good idea to leave it until the last minute to figure out what to wear on your first date! The first guideline in people’s communication channels is to make a positive bodily impression. You may be clever and intriguing, but if you don’t dress accordingly, your look may send the incorrect impression. In other words, what’s on the inside should be reflected in how you seem. It’s not an issue of ego or vanity. It’s a question of self-respect and a desire to constantly show yourself in the best light possible.

Some intelligent individuals believe that what you wear is less important than what’s within the “packaging.” Consider yourself in an auditorium, set to deliver a speech about financial investing. In front of 200 people, you arrive in a sweatsuit and begin your presentation. Do you believe that people will be unconcerned by your look and will simply focus on the key bullet points of your PowerPoint presentation? ………………………… Probably not! The importance of appearance cannot be overstated!

Returning to your date night. You should plan ahead of time what appearance you want to achieve. There are several aspects to consider. Please read the following critical items carefully:

You should dress in a way that is appropriate for your age. It’s amusing to see guys on the street claiming to be someone they’re not by dressing inappropriately for their age.
You should be comfortable in your clothes, and they should be age-appropriate.

  • You should dress in clothing that is appropriate for your size. Many men  believe that tighter clothing makes them seem sexier, therefore they buy a size or two smaller. You do not appear sexier, believe me. You have a “cheaper” appearance.
  • Colors have an essential role as well. According to research, each hue represents a certain emotion or action. Yellow is said to boost self-esteem, blue helps with communication, green is the color of emotions, and red is the color of sexual desire. If your date occurs at night, black is an ace in your sleeve. Wearing a black suit or shirt is always a safe bet.
  • Your outerwear is just as crucial as what you’ll wear on the inside. You might wear an expensive suit or shirt, but if your coat is athletic or casual, the whole outfit will be ruined.

After the initial few awkward minutes, you should allow your date to look past your looks and get interested in the “present” within the package.

The “wrapper” may not be the most crucial feature.

how to master dating

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