I Finished School So Now What

When you started school, decisions were made for you. You were told where to sit, what to wear and when to take a break.  But now you are entering the adult world and, as exciting as that is, it also brings a new challenge that’s a key skill, crucial to the workplace – making decisions.

So, what are some options?

Find a job

You can get a proper wage and your first taste of working life. Jobs are advertised in lots of places: try looking at recruitment sites, LinkedIn, social media, local newspapers and by asking people you know and trust.

Chances are you will be starting at rock bottom, earning minimum wage and perhaps other people will be given preference even though your skills may be better.

You will be in for the long haul and will take you a good few years to establish yourself financially.

Dont know what to do

2.  You have flexibility of your time

Depending on the type of online business you choose to set up you can end up having much more flexibility in creating a work schedule that works for you.
You can choose what time of the day you want to work, how many hours you want to work and what days of the week you want to work as long as you set your business up in an efficient way.
You aren’t limited by an hourly wage because your income is often determined by how productive you are with your time and how well your business systems are working, not the number of hours you work.

3. Choose your location

In an online business you aren’t tied down to a desk or a single location.
As long as you have an internet connection and a laptop you can run your business from anywhere in the world.

4).  Income and growth potential

In an online business your income isn’t simply determined by the number of hours you work but by the level of productivity you can produce during the hours you work and the systems you have in place to generate a passive income.

Unlike most regular jobs your online business is able to keep running and connect with other people to share information and sell products, even when you sleep. 

Start an own online business

Here are a few reasons to start your own online business

1. Inexpensive

Throughout the course of history there has never been an easier or better time to start your own business then there is today.

With the development and growth of easy to use website creation tools and social media everyone is connected together regardless of their income status or geography.
Working and relaxing

5.   The business runs 24/7

I know I’ve hammered this down several times, but it definitely should be repeated.

Unlike most traditional brick and mortar stores an online business can be run 24 hours a day 7 days a week, even when you’re not in front of the computer.

6.   You can outsource your work

As you grow your online business and begin to earn money you can begin to outsource some of your work, hire contractors or even hire employees that can help you continue to build your business further.
Outsourcing work does often cost money so this is usually a bit further down the line, however it can help you significantly grow your business at a much faster rate once you’re able to do so.

7.   Focus on important matters

One of the best things about starting an online business is that it allows you to focus on the very things that interest you the most (if you choose) and this can make it easier to sustain your efforts and maintain motivation while you grow.
Working on a beautiful woman

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a way for you (the affiliate) to earn a commission for recommending products or services to your friends or readers.

To simplify it, here’s the 5 step process for how to start affiliate marketing:
1. You find a product you want to promote
2. Do a search for “product name” affiliate program. If it’s on Amazon, you can also promote it
3. Sign up for their affiliate program. Plenty others to choose from and registration is easy and free
4. You get a special link that allows the merchant to track the people who clicked your link
5. If someone clicks on your link, they buy the product, you get a commission.
Pretty simple, right?

How Much Money Can You Make With Affiliate Marketing?

The amount you can make will vary wildly – it honestly falls somewhere between zero and millions.
Your income will be directly related to the type of offers you promote, how much traffic you get to the site 
Student affiliate marketing

How to practically start my online business

1. Create a website 

For the longevity of your online business it is preferential to start your own website. Web hosting prices and functionality is much the same so you can use web hosting like Hostgator or Bluehost and both are less than $3 per month. 

On the web hosting you will be able to create your website domain and email addresses etc. 

Install WordPress which is a drag and drop website builder to create your website. There are plenty of templates you can use so that you are setup very quickly.

 2. The next step is to register for affiliate programs

 Examples of these are Amazon, Clickbank and Digistore24 to name a few. You will receive a unique link per product and should someone click the link, buy the product or service then you receive a commission.

How do I learn Affiliate Marketing

What most people do is watch Youtube videos where people say spam your link all over the place which normally ends them getting banned.

Remember that this is your online business and it is not just for a short while. Your goal is to start the business, put in a lot of effort so that you are able to one day only work a few hours a week and still enjoy the financial benefits.

What I did was partner with one of the best in the business. His name is John Crestani who has made over $100 million in commissions.

He provides daily tutoring through approximately 150 videos explaining what the business is about and even provides you with the tools to start your own business.

Email lists are vital for future marketing initiatives and Systeme.io is proven to be the most affordable especially for a beginner. In fact they offer all their services FREE to use up until 2,000 contacts which is unheard of. This includes funnels, autoresponders, newsletters and blogs. Click here for a FREE signup. 


Closing Comments

You need to build your online business on a solid foundation. So many people just get affiliate links and spam them everywhere and their accounts get banned.

This is why I chose the Super Affiliate System program who shows you every step of the way what to do to build a solid foundation for your online business. Click here for more information.

Instead of being alone you’re going to simply plugin to his “Eco-System”

John Crestani
Super Affiliate System

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